Free Agency For Dummies

What is an "Unrestricted free agent" in the NHL??

Players that are 27 years of age can make themselves available for an offer from any team (if he is not already under contract). It's that simple.

What is a "Restricted free agent"
To understand this, FIRST we have to define what an entry level player is. Players between the ages of 18 and 21 must sign "entry-level" contracts for their first three NHL seasons. Those aged 22-23 are entry-level players for two years, those aged 24 for a single year.

Players who are no longer considered "entry-level" but do not qualify as unrestricted free agents (27 years of age or older) become restricted free agents when their contracts expire.

Fine, what does that mean in terms of who will go after them?

A team must extend a "qualifying offer" to its restricted free agent to retain negotiating rights to that player. Players making less than $660,000 must be offered 110 percent of last season's salary. Players making up to $1 million must be offered 105 percent. Players making over $1 million must be offered 100 percent. Under the previous deal, qualifying offers had to be at least 100 percent of the previous year's salary, with 10 percent raises due to many players.

Restricted free agents must sign NHL contracts by December 1, or they are not eligible to play for the rest of the season.

Both teams and players have the right to ask for salary arbitration as a mechanism to settle contract disputes. A team can take a player to arbitration once in his career, and cannot ask for a salary reduction greater than 15 percent. Players can ask for salary arbitration as often as they want. Only players had the right to request salary arbitration under the old CBA.

If you have questions, feel free to post. NO QUESTION IS STUPID.

See the "Free Agency List 2010" for a list of restricted and unrestricted agents.

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